New System CTF and digital printing permanent cmykHD ink supply

Replacement for you Image setter! Digital Film up to 4.9 Density.

Digital ctf system

Ctf system enables making film matrices in quality and price that has never been seen before. The films are used to produce high-quality printing forms in four process colors and in all formats, up to 330x500mm in one piece (or bigger if mounted).

The possible optical density corresponding to the silver-based films is up to 4.9D! 

123ctf is ideal for the production of multi-color printouts in screen printing, flexographic technologies, pad printing and offset printing. Conventional halftoning (AM and Hybrid), ruling 170lpi/2880dpi.

Features and advantages of the F13 system:

- Easy operation. 
- The most economic version of the real CTF
- Production of film for screen/offset/pad/flexo printing and DIGITAL 
- Low operating costs,  


The 123ctf system has been designed to prepare high-quality film matrices for offset/litho, silk-screen, padprinting and flexography matrices. Printers can benefit from an easy access to the dry CTF world and an independent, own prepress at a very low cost.

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